Fintech For Biodiversity Challenge
Calling all fintechs supporting biodiversity
Biodiversity is declining at alarming rates across the globe. At Sustainable Digital Finance Alliance (SDFA) we believe that financial services and fintech can make a difference by delivering impactful projects and solutions in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals #14 - Life below water and #15 - Life on land.
To document the current landscape for fintechs working to support biodiversity and to further catalyse the development, SDFA invites fintechs across the globe to join the effort by registering for the Fintech for Biodiversity Challenge.
We want to map all companies and products across the globe, collect input and recommendations to policymakers and finally to award the most impactful initiatives.

For the fintechs that participate in the challenge, there will be a number of benefits:
Gain free global exposure and find your company listed among other pioneers in the field of fintech and biodiversity
Make your voice heard by delivering input to the policy recommendations that are part of the final report made in succession of this challenge
Have the chance to gain global recognition and win one of two grants worth USD 10,000 each.
Deadline for signing up for a chance to win one of the grants is November 20, 2019. The winners of the challenge will be announced during the originally planned COP25 week.
Sponsor Partner

Distribuation Partners

SDFA wants to thank the listed fintech hubs for their support to gain global reach for this challenge.
If you are a fintech hub and want to support us by distributing the campaign material to your members and be listed among our partners, do contact us!